We are seasonal and cyclical beings.

We change with our internal seasons as well as the seasons around us. Why?

Because we are nature.

The closer we are to nature’s rhythms and cycles, the better we feel.

Our bodies naturally adapt with each season. Hormones, mitochondria, the microbiome, eyes, skin, digestion, and even emotional expression all shift as the seasons change.

We all need an anchor to continually remind ourselves of what most supports these rhythms. Let seasonal eating be that anchor for you.

My favorite season to start with is Winter.

This season calls us to deeply connect with our inner knowing and lets us know, loud and clear, how cyclical and seasonal we really are. Pushing in this season is so much harder and, as soon as we surrender to rest, the body releases a sigh of relief and gratitude.

Honoring rest, even just 10% more, is a crucial part of the cycles of life. I’m here to help you do that without compromising what’s truly important to you.

We are not living in nature— we are nature. When we don’t allow rest this season, as all of nature does, we get depleted and we miss out on hearing the wisdom of everything being communicated under the surface.

Let food be the anchor that guides you towards the wisdom of this season.

The Winter Guide

This guide is here to hold your hand by helping you savor the gifts of these cooler months. Nourishing meals and rituals that promote balance, health, and a deep sense of well-being will help you connect with the wisdom of this season.

What’s included:

  • Seasonal Recipes: 25+ warming, immune-boosting recipes that give us the nutrition we need this time of year. Most recipes can be made vegan/vegetarian and all are gluten-free.

  • Everyday Practices: Tips inspired by Western Herbalism, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine aligned with Winter’s restorative energy.

  • Cooking Tips: Practical advice to make seasonal cooking easier, more enjoyable, and inviting for everyone in the family.

  • Healing Herbs: Spotlighting herbs and spices to support wellness during these colder months.

  • Reflection Prompts: Printable daily practices and journaling questions to deepen your self-awareness and set meaningful intentions.

  • Personal Stories: I’ve sprinkled in stories about my relationship with food and how it has evolved, offering insights and inspiration for your journey.

Early access bonus

When you purchase your Winter Guide by Tuesday, January 28th, you’ll be invited to a 90-minute online ceremony where we’ll gather as a community to journal, reflect, and connect around winter themes.

If you love the idea of journaling but find that you struggle to make it happen, this ceremony is the perfect space for you. We’ll pull a bit from the questions in the guide and I’ll share some of the most impactful reflection prompts I offer with clients.

This is a beautiful opportunity to:

  • Dive deeper into the guide’s practices

  • Ask questions

  • Connect with community on this same path

  • Receive personalized support in a warm, supportive space.

This guide isn’t just about food—it’s about connection: to the season, your body, and the traditions that have supported winter wellness for generations.

Use it to nourish not just your body, but also your mind and spirit.  

By recognizing and honoring seasonal shifts and changes, we get to honor our whole selves— the natural contractions and expansions we go through in life, especially as mothers.