Below I've shared just a few recommendations per section.  I am committed to reviewing more and continuing to update this list for you.  Please write back and share any of your favorites in this space (particularly books/resources geared towards boys!) so I can share as well. 


IMPORTANT: I always recommend reading these books on your own before reading them to or handing them to your child.  You know what's best for your child so while we don't want to shy away from sharing this important information, it's essential that it feels appropriate for children and they can comprehend what you're sharing.  You may take a few months (or even a few years) to get through a book and that's fine!  That's the beauty of starting now with wherever you are.  


If you're squeamish or unsure of how to talk about this with your kids, that's okay!  Own that and start with you… with the children's books.  I imagine you'd prefer that information comes from you and that your kids feel comfortable coming to you with questions (rather than just their friends or the internet), so it's worth it! 


Amazon links shared below (and most are on sale already in advance of Prime Day!)


For the younger kids:


For Tweens and Teens:

Looking through these books is really healing for me. I didn't have any of this knowledge, confidence, or understanding as a teen (we didn't say “tween” in 1990 when I turned 10).  One of the leading reasons young people develop disordered eating is because of a disconnected and misunderstood relationship with their bodies and sexuality.  We can change this.  You can change this. 

The Badass Girls Club (retreats, podcast, membership) with Eliza Reynolds.


For you:

I didn't start learning about my body until I was in my 20s and it was because I felt sick much of the time.   I didn't start learning about reproductive health and fertility until I was 31, when I went off the pill!  This is a broken model and, sadly, not all that unusual.  Over the last decade I've learned a lot and won't ever stop learning about my body and my health.  I own it and no one is more invested in my body thriving than myself.  Thankfully, there are incredible resources out there and I'm stoked to share my top recommendations.  Start slow.  Choose one book and take your time with it.  The best time to start is now. 

*Each of these authors have fantastic Instagram accounts, podcasts, and are guests on podcasts.  You'll learn so much from them! 

Also of note: Each of these books touches on dietary recommendations.  If this is too triggering for you, skip that part!  No need for now.  And if you'd like support around that, I'm here for you.


Please reply and share: Which resource will you be checking out first?


Quick note: Every recommendation I make comes from personal experience. For some of these I am an affiliate or referral partner, which means I make a commission if you choose to invest in the recommendation.  I appreciate you being here!