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Take a deep breath and ask yourself these questions:

  1. What does Food Freedom mean to you?

  2. Can you imagine if you never struggled with “what to eat” ever again?

  3. What would it feel like to trust your food cravings?

  4. How would you go about your days if you eliminated the mental load of food overwhelm?

  5. What would it feel like to shop for and prepare food with confidence in meeting your health and nutritional needs?

  6. What if you had no fear around food? 

  7. Can you picture your life without swinging back and forth between restricting your food and disappointing yourself?

  8. And imagine ease when it comes to your kids and food. What if your children never had this strain in their lives at all!?  What would life look like for them and future generations?

The first step is different than every dietary protocol you’ve ever been on and I’ll reveal it for you right here: It’s all about your relationship with food.

You’ve been in a relationship with food since the day you were born and, you know what? You can change it!

When you have the tools to see clearly and make these shifts, you become a beautiful example for your children. Seriously— It really doesn’t have to be harder than this. Our children witness our joy, pleasure, and confidence around food and this is what they learn.

Food does not have to be a battle.

When mothers heal, the whole world heals.

Is Foundations for you?

  • If you value a community, a safe space to open up, and connecting with others on a similar path, then yes.

  • If you have a history of disordered eating and /or seek holistic approaches for a chronic health condition, then yes.

  • If you appreciate knowing why things are the way they are— for you, your family, and in our culture, overall, then yes.

  • If you’re ready to be free of the restriction-binge cycle, the negative self-talk, and the blame and shame you’ve felt, then yes.

  • If you want to feel optimistic that your kids won’t take on a strained relationship with food, then yes.

  • If you’d like to walk into your kitchen with confidence and trust that everything sets you up to feel your best and is an inviting space for everyone, then yes.

  • If you’re ready for joy, confidence, and pleasure in food, then yes!

Your answers are not in the next diet program. They are within you.

Foundations provides the support to peel back those layers and finally feel freedom.

Together, we will:

  • Hold space for your unique Food Story and Food Rules to gain clarity on how you got here, honoring every aspect of your relationship with food.

  • Create a clear vision for what you really want, based on your unique body and life rather than an external model.

  • Embrace the superpower of cyclical living (moon, menstrual cycle, and seasons) so you can shift from swimming upstream to flowing through your days.

  • Dig into principles of intuitive and embodied eating.

  • Decode your cravings-- why do you crave soft, crunchy, sweet, or salty foods? Hint: It has nothing to do with willpower.

  • Identify the unique ways, beyond food, that you can nourish yourself.

  • Understand once and for all, why you have the patterns you do and the key steps to honor and trust your body.

  • Cover important basics of hormone and digestive health so you feel confident in how your body works.

  • Get clear on nutritional principles (no dogma here!) so you can make informed food choices for yourself and your family.

  • Take small and practical steps so you’re feeling progress every step of the way.

  • Move through all of this in community with others to strip away the shame, aloneness, and fear of it all as well celebrate each other’s wins every step of the way!

Join Foundations if you’re ready to live harmoniously with food.


What past participants have to say…


Elina, Finland

“I was looking for an awakening when it comes to how I treat my body with what I eat.  My dismissive behavior when it comes to food made it hard for me to dedicate real time to my relationship with food. I’m so glad I joined.

Not only does this program cover the foundational pieces you need to know to feel well, but it also helps you connect the dots on how to implement them in your life.  Deena's sweet answers to your questions always delight, and bring you back to self-love.  And what could be more nourishing than that when it comes to dealing with all the struggles you have with food?  I loved the journaling prompts sooo much, and see that they do the trick to help me understand myself and take steps forward with ease and awareness.”

Kate & Family Testimonial.png

Kate, Texas

“Foundations is about stepping back and getting a bigger-picture view of why you eat what, when, and where you do.  I can actually make conscious decisions about food!  And those decisions are not massive struggles against "indulgence" and "deprivation." 

I feel free of expectations related to how much and what I eat for supper, in particular.  It's still "family dinner" if I hang out with a glass of water or a slice of toast.  I've also become much more aware of the feeling of satiety, so I'm "using" food less and choosing a few minutes of quiet, reading with the kids, and other activities in lieu of snacking.  I'm a huge fan, Deena!  You've changed my life!”


The Program Details:

Foundations for Food Freedom is a 7-week Group Coaching Program

**The doors to Foundations are currently closed, but please take a moment to fill out the interest form and you’ll be the first to know (with a special bonus!) as soon as it opens for enrollment again!**


  1. Do I have to attend every session LIVE to experience the benefit of the program? No. Every session is recorded and shared within 24 hours. The more sessions you attend LIVE with the group, the more on-the-spot coaching you get, and the more you’re able to integrate the lessons with the energy of others. If you are someone who does well to process verbally and with others and/or thrives with the accountability of showing up in person, our sessions will make a big impact. That being said, even when you’re not able to attend the sessions, you can be active in the private Facebook group, get to know everyone, and receive lots of coaching.

  2. How much time will I need to devote to the program? 90 minutes for each session plus an additional 30-60 minutes (or more if you like!) for journaling, reading, and sharing in the group.

  3. What is the cancellation policy? You are eligible for a full refund up to two weeks into the program.

  4. Is this program only for mothers of young children? Nope! The beauty of supporting your relationship with food is that today is the best time to start. At every age and stage, we have new tools and awareness to work with. This program supports you, first and foremost. Your children, regardless of age, will experience the gift of a mother who embodies greater food freedom every day.

  5. Should I expect to lose weight on this program? You might lose weight, reduce bloat, get glowing skin, start to love kale, or opt for fruit instead of cookies, but none of these are the program's specific goals. And given that you’re here, you’re likely ready for results farther-reaching than these. Foundations is your place to rewrite your story and experience freedom.

  6. Any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!