Let’s Talk About Sugar

A non-dogmatic, no-fear, real-life approach to supporting you (yes, you matter!) and your family in navigating this topic with ease and confidence

Sugar and sweet foods are everywhere.
It’s time to cultivate an informed, peaceful, and embodied way to coexist with them.


What you get in this workshop:

  • Learn why we are drawn to sweet foods (knowing why brings a crucial element of compassion and understanding).

  • Body-wise basics of how sugar impacts the body and how to notice patterns in your family members.

  • An understanding of why all things sugar impact those of us (yes, kids too!) who are deeply feeling and highly sensitive individuals.

  • Ways you can recognize society’s impact on how we handle sugar so you can gently catch yourself next time.

  • Honoring your own relationship with sugar with reliable tools to support your own habits.

  • Shame-free language to use when talking to your kids about sugar.

  • A framework for creating rules around sugar that do not feel top-down restrictive.

  • Trust that you can have sweet foods in the house without hiding them or feeling a magnetic pull towards them.

You don’t have to fear sugar.

It also doesn’t have to be a free-for-all.

I’m here to guide you to a middle ground that feels good.

“I absolutely love Deena's approach to Family Food... there's no sneaky tricks to get your kid to eat vegetables, no hiding foods, no fear-based rules...

She gets to the heart of it and gives you simple practices to bring into your days that completely change how you and your family experience food. She’s all about giving us the lifelong gift of a positive connection with food (even for the picky eaters!).”

-Heather Woodruff, Nutritionist, Vancouver


  • 90 minute self-paced video workshop walking you through exercises and sharing new ways to think and talk about sugar

  • Supportive email follow-up to hold your hand through this process.

  • Periodic coaching calls (no additional cost!) to hold your hand even more and offer on-the-spot support.

Parenting provides a mirror. We are constantly invited to look at our own relationship with the thing that feels challenging with kids.

Food, and particularly sweet foods, can be a stand-in for an experience our body’s wisdom is seeking. Once you learn how this works in your life, everything feels lighter.

I invite you to create a new paradigm about sugar so that these small shifts can make space for so much more joy!

“I’d struggled with my own body image, food, dieting, and disordered eating for so long. Deena totally changed how I think about health, nutrition, and my body.

Having the freedom to navigate this, as a mom, is such a gift!”

-Dina Wizmur, Lawyer and Wellness Advocate, New York